Getting Here
The Postcode for Johnson Cottage is DL8 4DA.
If travelling fom the East you will most likely travel through Beadale, onto Leyburn on the A684. Once through Leyburn the easiset route is to turn right at Wensley off the main A684 road and head toward Redmire. After passing Redmire you will see on the skyline to your right Bolton Castle. Continue for a few miles past Redmire and you will come into Carperby. After passing the Wheatsheaf Inn, Johnson Cottage will be to your left approximately 200 Metres on. We would advise to turn around and park your vehicle opposite the Cottage facing toward the Wheatsheaf.
If Travelling from the West you will most likely turn off at Junction 37 of the M5 and head through Sedburgh on the A684. Continue on through Garsdale and onto Hawes. Once Through Hawes head onto Bainbridge where you will turn left towards Askrigg. Continue through Askrigg and a few miles on you will come into Carperby. Johnson Cottage is a few metres past the small village green on your right hand side.
We hope you enjoy both Johnson Cottage and the beautiful area of the Yorkshire Dales.